
In that room, that big room
That big room with light and breeze
Where bright minds strutted,babbled and cackled
With the grace of ibises
And agility of hawks
The beauty of peacocks
And seductive persuation of Koels
I sat, in the back and breathed it all.

They could say, 
What they already know.
That we do not know
That we don't know it all.
In stead they're grandiose
Like their sires and mentors
Convinced their half truths, 
Are magnificent edicts,
Edicts of an imagined reality
A truth we pretend to clasp.
Just so that we can say to next man,
It is now in my grasp,
And still not yours to have.

I breathed the stench of pettiness
Of an ailing noble endeavour,
Its spirit pickled in vanity.
The stench of a macabre dance
On the slime of ignorance
The semi dirt of half knowledge
In a rain of pretense,
A fetid play of power,
The violation of truth
In an obscene mist of joy.

I imagined it different,
My noble pursuit
My religion of reason
The pilgrimage to truth
Was to be a celebration of discovery 
An treasure hunt and worship of fact
Facts that are nature's jewellery
The principles of existence 
Of all we see 
And all beyond.

I swallowed my venom.
I hold my venom.
Waiting to do things right.


Anonymous said…
Evidently the thoughts of an academic. Nice to meet the inner poet in a scientist.


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