Affected Affections

In my bed solemnly I lie
Thinking of how time flies
It's been seven years 
Since Sushrut was my roommate
Together we studied, roamed and ate
Today he called to say
His Dad's lungs are filled with fluid
That Cancer is gargling them away
I feel his pain
I feel his angst
The misery of tied hands

I spoke to Dhhakkin recently
I've known him since I was three
We've cracked the same jokes
Shared interest in birds
Had nothing in common
And still been brothers
The day he got a job 
The day he got a raise
I thanked powers that be
At least some justice I got to see

Amma's smile and Papa's jokes
Noshi's rants and profound thoughts
Support my being, in my inner space

And then there are people to deal with
Who are fickle and unkindred
We chat
We joke
We congratulate each others' acheivements
We revel in profundity

Somewhere, sometime I learnt
This cheer is affected
The lesson made life simpler
And yet you are as protected
From lonliness as astronauts
From vaccum
In a wooden shuttle in deep space

I like my shuttle
Unaware... Unsure how long it'll last
Almost weary of the impending bust
No constructs of cheers
No walls of wood
No affectation of affection will save me
From the seering frigidity,
The dismal desolate vacuousness
That the Primal atom might have felt


sujaan said…
"The dismal desolate vacuousness
That the Primal atom might have felt" - that's almost like having discovered God...
i like this poem... :)

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