That’s what I was like fifteen years ago? 😱
I just took a slight diversion into the past. Haven't done this in a while, probably because the future has sponged all my energies. I hope faint hearted others do not dare. Some old emails that I wrote in my early twenties just horrified me. Those were unhappy times. Some of what I wrote to people was plain nasty. I have written terrible things to friends. Incidentally, I have zero recollection of doing so. Knowing me and the way I think I now, those were reactions to terrible disappointments of some sort. When I think of why some people do not stay in touch, I imagine they were just bored of my angsty, sorry venting that had nothing to do with them. My memories are of me being a tortured protagonist. Having read three emails, maybe I was a jerk. The question is, do I want to delve into more emails and entirely reassess my memories? Do I have the energy and time right now, and what good would it do me? One option would be to use rules of life that hav...